Have No Fear! Dr. Chambliss is Here!

Dental appointments can be very frightening for a child. It’s a new environment with loud noises and unfamiliar faces.

The good news is, you can play a positive role in easing your child’s anxiety and turning the relationship between your child and his or her dentist into a positive one for many years to come.

Here are some tips you can use for your child’s first dental visit or any future visit, no matter their age:

  1. If you exude nervousness or negative emotions associated with your child’s dental visit, your child will sense your concerns. Make sure to keep your emotions close to the vest and only speak of the dental visit with positive encouragement.


  1. Does your child have questions about the appointment and what it may entail? Answer your child’s questions with simple and concise answers. Any questions you cannot answer, will gladly be answered by Dr. Chambliss and his team of hygienists, who have experience answering a myriad of questions from hundreds of pediatric patients.


  1. If a child asks whether something will hurt, try to turn your answer into a positive response by letting them know there is no need to fear pain. Most pain is only felt for seconds, if experienced at all and that focus could ruin the entire appointment, making your child feel worse than necessary.


  1. Do not share any negative dental experiences you’ve had in the past. They may associate it with their own.


  1. Impart upon your child, the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Good dental hygiene can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease—and can help you keep your teeth as you get older. No child wants fake teeth! Also, unhealthy mouths can lead to other complications when they become adults.


  1. There is no need to offer a reward for going to the dentist. This can create bad habits and expectations. We treat our patients after their appointments, so you don’t have to.


At Medplex Pediatric Dentistry, our goal is to provide your child with personalized care to address their specific needs. We understand how to manage fears and anxiety and have many tools in place to ease stress. We look forward to building a longstanding and trusting relationship with your child, so they never fear our care. Read more here.


Medplex Pediatric Dentistry serves as a top rated pediatric dentist for Alabaster, Birmingham, Hoover, Helena, and Pelham, AL. Read more here.


Medplex Pediatric Dentistry serves as a top rated pediatric dentist for Alabaster, Birmingham, Hoover, Helena, and Pelham, AL.


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